Thursday, November 19, 2009

I want a full review

I missed the big event at Barley's last night. I want you to make me feel like I was there, down to how the bathroom smelled, and whether 'Machine Gun' was played on the Jukebox.

Also, how many bottles did we get?


  1. prolly 30-40 bottles of all varieties.
    weyerbacher harvest
    sierra nevada celebration
    bells java stout
    bells christmas

    and an assundry amount of other samples from people.

  2. That's a lot of bottles. Awesome. Did you have them delabel them for us?

  3. i had:
    Bell's Two Hearted Ale
    Cask Bell's Two Hearted Ale
    Bell's Christmas
    Bell's Rye Stout
    Terrapin Depth Charge (we have it at TW now)
    Sierra Nevada Celebration
    and sips off everyone else's.

    neither Machine Gun nor Gillian Welch was played.
    you were missed.

  4. I had:

    Cask Bell's 2 Hearted Ale
    Rogue Hazelnut Ale (horrible)
    Sierra Nevada Celebration
    Bells Christmas
    ??? Rye Ale.

    I pissed twice and Clement sat too close for comfort. I left with Garlic Knot and beer breath.

  5. Did Clement dance on the table? I wish I could smell your breath.
