Friday, October 30, 2009

Recipe #2 - Update

That, my friends, is fermentation.  That was this AM.  Last night, after giving the carboy a really good shake, the airlock burped.  I saw about five or six little collections of bubbles hit the top, and not dissipate.  I could tell they were not just air bubbles...they didn't pop right away, so my hope was they were the start of the Krausen.  I went to bed with some hope.  Woke up this morning, and it was like opening a X-mas present, except there was a chance Santa hadn't came.  Well, he came, and he brought me burgeoning alcohol!

We can stop fretting now.  I didn't take a daily pic of the two brews yesterday.  At my normal time, they both looked exactly the same.  I should update that today, though, before the weekend.



  1. i didn't even witness this with my own eyes and it feels like a present to me. a true chrismtas miracle clark.

  2. Better than the jello of the month club, that's for sure.

  3. sweet baby jebus, it's a festivus miracle!
