Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Testing out Beersmith on the Winter Belgian

Ok, here's the skinny on our Belgian.

Beersmith pretty much had all of our ingredients, except for nutmeg.  I estimated the spices, in general, but it doesn't look like that does all that much to the estimated numbers.  This program is pretty damn cool.

It estimated an original specific gravity of 1.065, based on our ingredients.  We measured 1.063.  It estimates a final gravity of 1.015, which would net us out somewhere around 6.27-6.51 ABV.  If we got that down to 1.010, we'd be at 6.92%. 

We're looking at 283 calories per pint (whoa). 

IBU estimate is 18.3, which is midrange in what the program thinks this style should have (15-40 IBU's).  The boil volume (i.e., the amount in the pot) seems to drive the IBU's significantly.  We should see if we can boil more liquid in the pot, safely (or get a bigger pot!). 

The estimated color is pretty dark.  It could be my computer screen, but it looks to me like it's black.

It also estimates cost of the has default costs, and predicts 32.82 for this particular recipe.  These can be adjusted, to match local prices.  There is also a calendar, which helps you see when things need to be racked, etc. 


  1. holy whoah, 300 calories a pint. Nice! The basic ingredients cost 33 dollars. Add about 10 bux to that for the honey, oranges, and water.

  2. Yeah, not a lite beer, by any stretch!
