Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This Week In Beer - 1/26

Got some interesting stuff in already, and tomorrow we're expecting to see Bell's Hopslam finally show up. Here's what we've got so far...

* Abita Jockamo IPA (6pk.)
* Flying Dog Garde Dog (6pk.)
* Harpoon Celtic Ale (6pk.)
* Lagunitas Cappuccino Stout (22oz.)
* Budweiser Select 55 / AKA "The Lightest Beer In The World" (2.4% ABV)
You really need to check out what they're saying about this guy on the interwebs... as one RateBeerian put it, "tastes like water that a beer came by and dunked its balls into".


  1. garde dog! wonder if exactly the same as last year. i dug it. good session beer.

  2. why dont you snag us a few cases of the select 55 for the mountains!!

  3. i'd go broke trying to catch us a buzz...
