Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Week In Beer - 1/18

Got some more tasty beverages into Total Wine this week; here's a rundown of what's new...
* RJ Rocker's First Snow Ale (winter seasonal)
* Sierra Nevada Glissade Bock (new spring seasonal)
* Terrapin Hopsecutioner IPA (new hoppy IPA in 6pks - delicious!)
* Terrapin Side Project #9 - The Dark Side (Belgian-style Imperial Stout)
* Lagunitas Brown Shugga
* Breckenridge Agave Wheat
* Bell's Double Cream Stout
* Allagash Four (Belgian-style Quadruple Ale)
* Sam Adams Noble Pils (new spring seasonal)

Back in stock:
* Bell's Expedition Stout
* Bell's Third Coast Old Ale
* Bell's Java Stout

And finally, coming next week - - Bell's Hopslam!


  1. and in case you haven't heard, we'll be installing a growler station with at least 6 taps within the next couple'll be an awesome addition to the Greenville beer scene.

  2. very interested in the allagash and of course the new sierra nevada!

  3. Sierra Nevada was pretty good. Will let us try one. I want to try the Terrapin Dark Side.

  4. Additions:
    * Southern Tier Choklat
    * Avery Mephistopheles 16% Stout
    * Moylan's Hopsickle Triple IPA
