Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Scotch Ale is CARBONATED

That maple syrup did a serious amount of bubbling on that thing.  Ryan and I got a good 6 inch head out of that thing.  We might have overshot the amounts on that thing...good thing we haven't had a bottle bomb yet!


  1. I thought the maple flavor was WAY less. It has no hops (not supposed to). I thought it was passable.

  2. It's still sweet. I think it's within the style guidelines.

  3. cool. i just placed the order for the dubbel. made a few of my own modifications to the recipe

    10 lbs Belgian Pilsner
    2 lbs Belgian Caramunich
    1 lb Belgian Special B
    .25 lbs Choclate malt
    .25 lbs Biscuit malt
