Monday, April 5, 2010


For those who like to pick up their beer in large glass jugs, here's what's out & available in Greenville this week:

Total Wine -
* Kona Pipeline Porter - (brewed with 100% Kona Coffee)
* Terrapin Hopsecutioner - (new IPA from the Athens, GA brewery)
* Yuengling Bock - (spring seasonal)
* RJ Rockers Star Spangled Stout - (draught-only release from the Spartanburg brewery)
* Stella Artois

Green's -
* RJ Rockers Star Spangled Stout - (they've got it too)
* Bell's Oarsman - (berliner weisse styled brew from the Michigan brewery)
* COAST Harold Stout - (one of the newest offerings from the Charleston brewery)
* COAST Boy King DIPA - (tasty & highly-rated limited brew from COAST)


  1. Which one did I have? Terrapin? I think so. Want to try the King DIPA.

  2. You had Terrapin Hopsecutioner. If you want to try the Boy King, better scoop one up soon. Probably not much left, as it was a 1/6 keg. I got one yesterday. It's also on tap at Barley's Upstairs. Definitely worth trying to track down. i think it's rated 6th worldwide in the DIPA category on
